
As programs are posted by the provincial government, they will be posted here.

Les programmes étant affichés par le gouvernement provincial, ils seront affichés ici.


As programs are posted by the provincial government, they will be posted here.

Les programmes étant affichés par le gouvernement provincial, ils seront affichés ici.


As programs are posted by the provincial government, they will be posted here.

Les programmes étant affichés par le gouvernement provincial, ils seront affichés ici.

My CADA 360 – Employee Resources

To help you during these uncertain times, CADA 360 has a number of resources at your disposal:

Canada Life Centre for Mental Health
This website provides resources and support for your personal well-being in this time of uncertainty. Access the site at workplacestrategiesformentalhealth.com.

Virtual Healthcare
Dialogue telemedicine service has a free tool called “Chloe” that is available to all Canadians to answer questions about COVID-19. The tool can help alleviate stress by providing guidance on the outbreak. Visit Chloe at covid19.dialogue.co/#/.

Credit Counselling
The Credit Counselling Society (CCS) is an award-winning, non-profit service that helps Canadians and their families find the best options to deal with their debt and get their finances back on track. The CCS can give plan members free, practical resources to help them plan for reduced income, manage expenses, pay off debt or set financial goals. Help is just a phone call away. Call 1-888-527-8999. If you live in Quebec or an Atlantic province, call 1-888-753-2227.

Prescription drug supplies – Dispensing Fee Limitation
‱ If you need regular prescription medications, you should make sure your prescriptions are up to date, but don’t rush to get more because of the outbreak.
‱ Pharmacists may be rationing drug quantities to manage inventories since some drugs are in short supply. For maintenance drugs, CADA 360 has a dispensing fee limit of 5 per year (except in Saskatchewan and Quebec). As a temporary measure, we’re increasing the number of dispensing fees allowed for maintenance medication to 12 for 2020, then reverting to 5 for 2021 provided drug production resumes at full capacity.

GroupNet for Plan Members
Access GroupNet for plan members for information on COVID-19, as well as your coverage and balances. Not signed up? Go to Canadalife.com to set up an account.

Pour vous aider en ces temps incertains, CADA 360 met Ă  votre disposition un certain nombre de ressources:

Centre de la santé mentale de la Canada-Vie
Ce site Web fournit des ressources et un soutien pour votre bien-ĂȘtre personnel en cette pĂ©riode d’incertitude. AccĂ©dez au site à workplacestrategiesformentalhealth.com.

Santé virtuelle
Le service de tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©decine Dialogue dispose d’un outil gratuit appelĂ© «Chloé» qui est Ă  la disposition de tous les Canadiens pour rĂ©pondre aux questions sur COVID-19. L’outil peut aider Ă  attĂ©nuer le stress en fournissant des conseils sur l’Ă©pidĂ©mie. Visitez ChloĂ© sur covid19.dialogue.co/#/.

Conseil en crédit
La Credit Counselling Society (CCS) est un service Ă  but non lucratif primĂ© qui aide les Canadiens et leurs familles Ă  trouver les meilleures options pour rĂ©gler leur dette et remettre leurs finances sur la bonne voie. La SCC peut offrir aux participants des ressources gratuites et pratiques pour les aider Ă  planifier des revenus rĂ©duits, Ă  gĂ©rer leurs dĂ©penses, Ă  rembourser leurs dettes ou Ă  se fixer des objectifs financiers. L’aide n’est qu’Ă  un coup de tĂ©lĂ©phone. Composez le 1-888-527-8999. Si vous habitez au QuĂ©bec ou dans une province de l’Atlantique, composez le 1-888-753-2227.

Fournitures de mĂ©dicaments d’ordonnance – Limitation des frais de distribution
‱ Si vous avez besoin de mĂ©dicaments d’ordonnance rĂ©guliers, vous devez vous assurer que vos ordonnances sont Ă  jour, mais ne vous prĂ©cipitez pas pour en obtenir davantage Ă  cause de l’épidĂ©mie.
‱ Les pharmaciens peuvent rationner les quantitĂ©s de mĂ©dicaments pour gĂ©rer les stocks, car certains mĂ©dicaments sont rares. Pour les mĂ©dicaments d’entretien, CADA 360 a une limite de frais d’exĂ©cution de 5 par annĂ©e (sauf en Saskatchewan et au QuĂ©bec). À titre temporaire, nous augmentons le nombre de frais de dispensation autorisĂ©s pour les mĂ©dicaments d’entretien Ă  12 pour 2020, puis revenons Ă  5 pour 2021 Ă  condition que la production de mĂ©dicaments reprenne Ă  pleine capacitĂ©.

GroupNet pour les participants au régime
Accédez à GroupNet pour les participants au régime pour obtenir des informations sur COVID-19, ainsi que votre couverture et vos soldes. Pas inscrit? Allez sur Canadalife.com pour créer un compte.

COVID-19 Email and Phone Scams

Another reminder to stay vigilant when receiving emails or phone calls that “appear” to be from Health Organizations, colleagues, or someone you know.  Email phishing is a popular method of tricking someone into performing an unauthorized financial transaction or stealing a persons user name and password.

The latest scams we are seeing are related to the COVID-19 Virus and attempt to deceive users into giving up passwords, financial information, or deploy virus’ via attachments!

The following government website has more information:

Canadian Anti-Fraud

NOTE: Always check the sender email address if you get an unexpected email.  If you received a questionable email and opened it or any attachments, please contact our help desk at:

help@autocan.ca or call 1.855.932.3160

CADA 360 – Employee Benefits Premium Relief Information

CADA has announced that they will waive all benefit premiums for April and May for employees that receive benefit coverage through the CADA 360 Employee Benefits Plan, administered by Canada Life. CADA 360 wants to ensure that employee benefits coverage is maintained during these difficult times. It is important to note that this waiver of benefit premiums is for all employees including those that are on leave (isolation, voluntary layoff, involuntary layoff).

Canada Life has created a NewsLine to share with plan members for information support which will be available through GroupNet for plan members and GRS Access. As soon as this information is available, AutoCanada will add it to the Employee Resource Centre.

La CADA a annoncĂ© qu’elle renoncerait Ă  toutes les primes d’avantages sociaux d’avril et de mai pour les employĂ©s qui bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’une couverture par le biais du RĂ©gime d’avantages sociaux des employĂ©s CADA 360, administrĂ© par la Canada-Vie. CADA 360 veut s’assurer que la couverture des avantages sociaux des employĂ©s est maintenue en ces temps difficiles. Il est important de noter que cette exonĂ©ration des primes de prestations s’adresse Ă  tous les salariĂ©s y compris ceux en congĂ© (isolement, licenciement volontaire, licenciement involontaire).

La Canada-Vie a crĂ©Ă© une ligne d’information Ă  partager avec les participants au rĂ©gime pour obtenir de l’information qui sera disponible via GroupNet pour les participants au rĂ©gime et GRS Access. DĂšs que cette information sera disponible, AutoCanada l’ajoutera au Centre de ressources pour les employĂ©s.

Daily Federal and Provincial Update: April 18th, 2020

Click the link below for the corresponding AutoCanada communication:

Federal and Provincial Update April 18 2020

Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour la communication AutoCanada correspondante:

Mise à Jour Quotidienne Fédérale et Provinciale

Canada Life – Applying for Short Term Disability

For those employees that fall under Canada Life’s Short Term Disability Plan, you may be eligible for coverage. You can initiate a disability claim if your work absence is due to the following:

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms; or
  • You have a clinical diagnosis of the virus.

To apply:

Canada Life requires these forms for be completed by the employee.  They can be faxed or mailed to the Disability Management Services Office nearest them, or submitted via Canada Life’s online portal:

  • Step 1: Consent Form – The purpose of this form is to obtain the necessary information to help Canada Life assess your claim.
  • Step 2: Confirmation of Illness Form – This form is to be used instead of the Physician Statement.  The purpose is to gather additional information in relation to COVID-19.
  • Step 3: Employee Statement Form – This form contains personal health information.

Canada Life also requires the employer to submit a statement form as well.  This form can be faxed or mailed to the appropriate Disability Management Services Office, or submitted via their online portal.

Additional information, relating to the process and forms, can be found here.

For those not covered by Short Term Disability, you may be eligible for Employment Insurance if you are experiencing the following:

  • 14-Day Travel related quarantine; or
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19 symptoms; or
  • Voluntary layoff.

Employment Insurance Application Process:

EI Application Process

COVID-19: Subscription for Public Health Updates



Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Resources for Canadian Business

